Follow the adventures of my station wagon 'the BillBaBong' and me travelling across the Canada and the USA West Coast!!! Suivez-moi tout au long de mes aventures à bord de ma station wagon la 'BillBaBong' à travers le Canada et la côte ouest américaine!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Vancouver International Film Festival


Last night I went to the Vancouver International Film Festival, and I saw the movie Dear Wendy by T. Vinderberg, written by Lars Von Trier, and it's brilliant, really original, the plot basically is about a group of young adults dressed like cowboys from a thrift store, from a little tiny town, in love with their wacky guns, yeah I know sounds weird, that's what I thought too. But it turned out to be a very interesting movie, really good screenplay, great ending, good casting as well. But yeah, still kinda strange. Definitely worth watching.

I cannot say the same thing about an other movie I saw the other day, A History of Violence by Cronenberg, I dont now what's the big buzz about that movie, I agree, it's a good movie, but oscar worthy? nah. not at all. The actors performance might be oscar material though. But still, you better go see Dear Wendy.


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